Things to say as a hostess at a restaurant?
2011-08-03 23:01:48 UTC
I just got a job as a hostess at a Japanese restaurant and my job is to greet the customers and take them to a table. I usually just say,
"Hello, how many? Is this table OK? Here's the menu." and leave to tell the waitress to get the order.
My manager hasn't tell me anything about my attitude but I think I look rude to the customers.
I'm not being rude on purpose, I just don't know what to say so I just keep calm and quiet.
Can anyone tell me what to say as a hostess to not to look rude?
Four answers:
One Dollar
2011-08-04 08:40:33 UTC
It is all about being a kiss-***.

When they walk in try not to rush. Say "Hello! How are you?" Then wait for their answer. If it is a positive answer say "Good, good." or "That's good!" (obviously say "I am doing great!" if they ask you in response.)

Then when they stop talking say "How many?" Then when they answer say "All right! I can take you right over here." then walk to the table you intend to sit them at. Make sure you do not walk too far ahead of them - that is rude.

Then when you get to the table stand to the side and let them sit down. Place one menu in front of each person then smile and say "Enjoy your meal!" then walk away.

Of course, smile the entire time you are doing all of that.

Again, try not to rush. I know it gets busy in a restaurant and the rush can be quite stressful. However if you take a little time with each person you deal with and smile, and try not to make it seem like they are just another customer that you want to serve and have them GTFO of there.
2011-08-03 23:04:08 UTC
when a customer comes in you should greet them with a warm authentic smile.
2011-08-03 23:29:37 UTC
just smile and you should be fine. you will get used to it soon. watch the other hostesses
2011-08-04 01:13:01 UTC
Compliment them and be full of energy!!!!!!!!

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