second job how to quit?
2007-05-12 00:32:46 UTC
i just stated a second job in retail and i have a very negative attitude not toward cutomers or co workers but just because i have a great paying career and i just wanted to have some extra cash so i took the job.. now i regret it because i feel lke i dont have to be there so i want to quit because it is not worth my time making 8 dollars an hour and working my *** off plus it is taking away from family time with my son,,, would i be horrible if i no showed and no called and just left it at that????
Three answers:
2007-05-12 00:40:58 UTC
hey lady, thrz no point of u wasting your time with things u hate to do. go to employment agencies, look for what suitable for u and give ur empoloyer resignation letter. simple as that... ;-)
2007-05-12 15:11:19 UTC
Just tell your boss it's not working out for you and you would like to quit as soon as possible.

It's hard working 2 jobs, especially when you have a family.
2007-05-12 07:52:52 UTC
see google adsence @ below visit

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